Friday, September 3, 2010

Sister love and random fun.

I hope that it never goes away as they get older because they are such good friends right now and it makes me so happy. They don't want to see the other one sad and want to do everything they can for each other. Sometimes LC wants to hold on a little longer than Lilly, hence the fact it looks like she's pushing her away, but they first thing she always says to me when I get her from daycare is Colista? and is ready to go get her sister.

Sorry about the sideways picture, I can't get it to rotate at the moment.

Lilly is a monkey and can climb right up the back of my couch, which I"m not sure if you can tell or not, but is quite straight and higher than normal couches. After this day is when I made my decision to rearrange my frontroom and have the couch away from the window so it's not quite so tempting to climb on the couch. So far it's working, we'll see if it lasts.

Lilly's hair is getting longer. (It's even longer now), but this was too funny to not take a picture of.

Simple joys

This summer one random Saturday we were over at my Mom and Dad's and decided to pull out the sprinkler and play in it.

LC has a grand time.

Lilly didn't last very long as it was nap time.

So of course we had to do it another time. This time we had cousins here to join in the fun.

I forgot how fun little things like that can be. (I know I've posted about this, but I wanted to share some pictures, as they are way cute :))

Lilly's Birthday

My baby turned 1 on May 5!! Last minute I wanted something with a 1 one it, so I threw a crown together and now it has become tradition becasue LC has decided that if it's your birthday, you're supposed to have a crown. (She even talked about Grandpa needing one, but wasn't too adament).

There she is with her birthday cake, she wasn't sure what I was doing when I was trying to get her to blow her candles out.

And was quite fascinated with the candle. She decided she definetly like the cake though. Tried to dig right in.

After cake it's time for presents.

She was very good about handing me all the wrapping as she pulled it off. Made clean up easy for me.I love that little girl and I can't believe how fast time has flown.

Since I'm several months late here's the latest picture I have of what she looks like today.

Really behind!

So life has been a little crazy. I haven't posted in awhile. I will be doing several different post to try to lessen confusion. :)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fairy daycare teachers

So awhile ago we had gotten a little craft kit to make flower fairies basically out of pipe cleaners and flower petals and LC wanted to make them yesterday so we pulled them out. Well I finished the first one and gave it to her and she decided it was Miss Jody (the cook at her daycare) and then we had to make a fairy that could be each of the teachers at daycare. Miss Debbie the director, Miss Wendy, Miss Bobbi, Miss Kari, and Miss Ericka all got designated as to what Fairy they were. Luckily there were 6 fairies to make in the kit and there are 6 people that work at her daycare. Then she procedded to have Miss Jody make dinner for everyone else. It was so cute!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Let's try again

I have been having problems posting lately. I have tried to post this several times last week and was unsucessful.

Lilly finally got a tooth!!! Last Tuesday the 20th we went over to my mom and dad's and we discovered that she had finally broken a tooth through. And she has been a much happier girl, it's been wonderful for her and mommy.

She is also trying really hard to talk lately. She's in the stage where if you know her and see her a lot (or are her mom :)) then you can understand quite a few things, but they aren't really clear words yet. Her latest word is shoes. She has decided that she is always supposed to have shoes on. I guess it just took finding the right ones, because I have never been able to keep any shoes or socks for that matter on her before. I got her some sandals and some tennis shoes and she thinks something is wrong if she doesn't have one of them on. The other day she fell asleep before she got jammies on so she was asleep in her clothes and shoes. When she woke up in the middle of the night, when I was calming her down, I took her shoes off and she got really mad at me. Crazy girl!

Other words she's saying now are night-night, bye-bye, momma, grandpa, grandma, Ericka (her daycare teacher) cup (or sometimes ba-ba still referring to her cup), and my favorite is still Colista. She doesn't call her LC which seems easier for a little kid to learn to me, but it's so cute the way she says Colista. I can't help but smile. And she says love you with hugs and an ahhh. It just makes my day. :)

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

...This is my sacred beauty.

LC has an amazing memory for music and songs for a 2 year old and lately the song she has wanted to sing is I Love to See the Temple. She does really well and can pretty much sing the entire song, but the was she does the last few lines makes me smile every time. It's supposed to be: I'll prepare myself while I am young, this is my sacred duty. She sings, I'll prepare myself while I am YUM, this is my sacred BEAUTY.

I love that little girl!